This week has been a very busy even tough we have had very heavy frost we were able to still keep the horses going, thanks to our great team. The older ones were all lunged daily and the 2 year old all did flat work in the arena with girls. This is very good for them mentally and physically, its not all about speed they need to understand that they that have to be responsive to the rider. Once the frost lifted we got on the canter ring at the end of the week where they cantered in a group of 4 (2 by 2), every day is a learning day.

An other fact that made this week exciting was both Lucy and Ruby who are close family friends and work on the yard rode the 2 yr old’s. We have watched them both learn to ride on ponies and now to see them flourish into capable young riders that we can trust to ride our young horse gives us a great sense of pride here at The Ranch. Trotter says they have to start sometime so he is very hands on helping the girls with their riding pointing out when things are going well and where they can improve, it all a learning curve. Its all about keeping the younger generation involved because after all they are the future!!

We are also taking a positive out the negative, unfortunately Mia is unable to go back to Ireland at the minute due to Covid so we happy that she too is able to assist in the progress and development of our young horses. She is a real assist to our team and is learning loads, is in a very lucky position that she rides out daily with Trotter and Barry Mchugh who is keeping her right with plenty of advise.